OBI Original Blog

OBI plays Thursday nights at Victory Lane Sports Park in Glendale, AZ. Earlier 2013 blog postings can be found at

Monday, July 4, 2016

Earning The Blog Post!!!

After OBI scored 9 runs in a double header and fell to 3-6-1, the Blog fell silent as the OBI Offense... A week later, against 4-5-1 and 3rd Place E-Machine,,, OBI used timely hitting and good defense to slow the Machine to a slow crawl and take two games 9-7 and 11-8. Annnnd, Michael feels like writing something positive yet obscure, motivational yet dumbfounded, sad yet demented,,, into the OBI Blog, as it were.

A week after hitting 25-56 as a team (lowest DH Avg. that I could find going back well into pre-Columbus, Ohio days of the late 14th century), OBI upped the ante (Spillane, please note the I-Played-Well-And-Finished-Better-Than-John-In-Vegas reference, though I will mention no names),,, hit .500 (32-64) in route to the DH Sweep...

Here are a few things different this week than last:
-- After scoring 5 runs in the bottom of the first inning of Game 1 (6 last week), our scoreless streak only lasted two innings as opposed to 8...

-- Offensively, 7 more hits, and also, 3 more Sac Flies and 5 more Base on Balls.
-- Last week, 1 double as we played on Field 4. Again back there this week, 5 doubles and a triple.
-- Defensively, we were very solid as balls found their way into both outfielders and infielders gloves alike this week. Last week, it was more like ummm is there a hole in there somewhere?

But the biggest key to the week was Larry aka Frickin-Randy-Johnson, moving down batters at a frightening clip with 4 Ks in the first four innings of Game 1 this week... Tone set, 'Nuff Said !!!

Offensive Champions this week:
-- The Sun, that bitch helped several hitters reach base as it was simply nastee looking W/NW through mid Game 2.

-- Brian has quietly continued his climb in the confidence area with another solid week.
-- Spillane went 6 for 6 on the night and impressed all with his directional skills of the ball to all fields and arranging of players in the outfield.
-- Juan and Paul were each 4-6 though Paul out RBI'd him 2-1.
-- Mando had 2 hits and 2 walks
-- Many, Many more players contributed but they cannot all be named as my fingers are tiring and dammit, well, dinner is ready...

This week we Battle the Poet Laurate's aka Team Wear It on Field 1 at 615/715.

If you plan to play in Season 4, Debit card payments are being accepted at the office. Cash payments can be make to either Clint or I,,, all are due by July 21st. Thanks in advance!

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