OBI Original Blog

OBI plays Thursday nights at Victory Lane Sports Park in Glendale, AZ. Earlier 2013 blog postings can be found at

Thursday, October 19, 2017

OBI Reaches New Heights With Sweep!!!

OBI,, One Bad Inning,, Split City,, I'm Not Gay But $20 is $20,,, all good team names but this weeks moniker is simple, Winning!

OBI has officially give Coach Spillane his first victory, first weekly sweep, and as a team, defeated the Heights for the first time. Conversation amongst the Heights players was that they were a bit tired from 40+ Worlds the past weekend, but totally gave props to our players and the offense produced as everyone hit well all night and we outscored them 36-20 in the two games.

Here are the highlights by game...

Game 1 --
  • Jakob was a good fill in lead off going 7-9 on the evening.
  • Clint had 5 hits and drove in 4 runs.
  • Brian's 5 hits included 4 Doubles and a Home Run late in Game 2 to put it on ice. His 8 RBIs were split evenly between the games.
  • John was 7-8 hitting clean up and had a Triple and a Base on Balls also.
  • Spillane's 7-9 include 3 Doubles, a Triple and 6 RBIs total.
  • Michael matched John's 7-8 and he had a Walk and 6 RBIs as well. 
  • Jayse was 6-9 with a Double a 2 RBIs.
  • Nuta kept rolling on a 5-9 night.
  • JR had 3 hits and pitched his ASS off. No Small Feat There I Tell Ya !!!
So, ya, we played with 9 players,,, just like the Heights, and they applaud how we hit and took better advantage of the gaps in the outfield.

I have my contacts in already, see y'all tonight !!!

Thursday, October 5, 2017

The Torch Has Been Passed,,,

The only constant in life (and softball) is change... As OBI remains the same, a change at the top occurred to start 2017's Season 5, as Chris Spillane has taken the helm of this long running softball team.

In good hands, finally, One Bad Inning headed into Week 1 against a familiar foe in Warning Track Power. However, at evenings end, Warning Track Power hit 2 more Home Runs for OUTS than OBI hit all night. Which means that WTP totaled 4 big flies to OBI's 0...

That said, the double header loss totally took the wind from our sails and we head into Week 2 versus BFF, inc. Yes, the team that won the league last season.  Chris has vowed to contact Split City to visit this week in hopes of obtaining his first victory prior to Thanksgiving as Head Coach / Manager...

Of course, much of the Game 1 blame goes to the RC fielder who was playing catcher since we only had 8 to start with and 9 once Jakob arrived. A fillin, Nick, was able to assist us in game 2 and we had a full 10 players to do battle.

After losing 14-5 in game 1, We held WTP to 12 runs and only scored in two innings ourselves. The 6-run 4th was our highlight in the 7-12 loss. 

Most everyone batted and some players actually got on base, including myself by finally walking late in game 2 instead of taking a foul tip (just throw the man a frickin strike)... Anyways, i am almost better now LOL...

It was great to see John back on the field and that other new guy played well too,,, ummm what was his name, oh Ya,,,,, Juan Carlos... That was it!

At the time of this blog post, it was still unknown if Tom stuck around last week long enough to buy a pitcher.  PS. It looked like a $10 Swing there, Mr. Puc...