OBI Original Blog

OBI plays Thursday nights at Victory Lane Sports Park in Glendale, AZ. Earlier 2013 blog postings can be found at

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Heights and The Lows

4-4 OBI suffered two losses to 8-0 The Heights in week 4 of Season 5. Both were good games, yet OBI was not able to put on its best Split City shoes and ride off into the darkness that is Field 5's CF…

In Game 1, OBI battled back from an early 12-1 deficit on the back of an 8-run inning. We batted around, yet not one player had two hits in the inning. Jayse did reach base on a single and a walk, and both JohnB and Spillane doubled,,, outside of that was just a typical string of hits to push across the runs.

OBI then followed that up with 3 runs in the 4th inning and called it a game. The Heights raked across 9 runs in the final 2 innings for a 23-12 victory.

Game 2 was much more of a pitchers duel as OBI led 6-0 after 3 innings. The lead was not surrendered  until the bottom of the 5th as The Heights scored 4 for the second inning in a row.

OBI scored one final run in the top of the 7th to close the gap. However, no Split City as we lost 7-10.

Remember to always get a replacement player for yourself when you miss. This keeps stress levels down and run production up. Be the Ball even when you are not being the Ball…

Stats will be posted some time this weekend. I will have time in between games at Worlds and only have a few categories to verify.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Split City: The Continuing Saga ,,,

Season 5 has started in typical 4-2 OBI (formerly known as One Bad Inning) fashion,,, with a string of Strong Split City efforts. Case in Point:

Week 1 -- OBI could Not Not hit in a Game 1 3-inning win vs. No Glove. The final score was 27-3. OBI scored 9 in the first, 11 in the second,,, then a weak 7 in the top of the 3rd. Oh the humanity ... Game 2, Split City showed up and went oppo in a nasty way. OBI scored 2 runs in the bottom of the 6th inning to pull ahead and win the contest in fine fashion,,, errr,,, 2-0. Definitely a Fail Category if the Defense had not shown...

Week 2 -- Warning Track Power is always a competitive opponent. In game 1, OBI consistently battled on offense and defense, earning a run rule victory in 5 innings of 17-2. Then,,,, Split City showed and the balls of WTP bats began to fall onto green. A second run rule ensued as Split City took it on the chins 25-6.

Week 3 -- OBI was able to muster a stand in Game 2 and once again make Split City a reality. 3-3 Murphy's Law rode an 8 run third inning to a 13-5 victory in Game 1. Then 4-2 OBI brought their bats (and Murphy's Law fielders forgot their gloves) and down 3 in the top of the 6th put up a 9 spot to take a 23-17 lead. A two-run inside the park homer brought the final to 23-19. However, good Defense by OBI kept the LawBoys down... Especially in game 1 as OBI played with 3 outfielders on Field 4.

Consistency has been our mantra it seems. Split City for the new team name will be on this years mid-term political ballot. There are interesting times to come... So are the stats,,, coming anyways... Will post along with Week 4's outcome this weekend. Stay Tuned !!!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Out With The Old, In With The New (Season 5, that is)

The OBI blog has been on life support for a few weeks after travel, school open house, and other sundry life events. During that time, One Bad Inning has run into a wall called the second half of Season 4 (7 game loss streak) and used the great life giving paddles in Week 1 of Season 5 to get off to a 2-0 start.

Midway through Season 4, life around the OBI world was as rosy as a 7-2 record can get. Then, one of them Dome things (insert inane television show reference here) was D-Ropped all over us and neither our offense, defense, nor the special teams (poor football reference here) were particularly impressive,,, ummm good,,, ummm servicable,, ummm ya, we sucked in fine fashion...

Dropping the final seven games in season 4 sucks, but our future is so bright, well, not that much as shades are now only necessary for 6:15 games and the days are getting shorter. But I digress...

Season 5 started with one great victory and one quiet victory... OBI couldn't Not hit in a 27-3 opening game victory. This was followed up by a full on pitchers duel won on a 2-run hit in the bottom of the sixth inning. Final, 2-0 ...

Following are the final stats for Season 4 and YTD (there may be some adjustment needed for Noobs Jacob and Joe, still need to double check that in the YTD stats)... Will get the book and have the first two weeks stats available following tonight's games...