OBI Original Blog

OBI plays Thursday nights at Victory Lane Sports Park in Glendale, AZ. Earlier 2013 blog postings can be found at

Monday, January 4, 2016

For the Love of the Game,,,

A long, long time ago in a vacant field wedged between small, clapboard houses located within the city limits of a small Texas town, they played the game of baseball.

Young boys competing hard as they learned the game. For many, they wore shoes more while on the ball field than they did the remaining hours of those hot, summer days. Some still baring battle scars to this day from dives to catch balls destined for Ms. Beverly's rose bushes.

But the world we live in is ever changing. 100 years ago, folks feared not leaving their doors unlocked or allowing their children to play in the park unattended. A penny bought a handful of candy and the family gathered around the radio to listen to weekly programs.

Today, we lock every door, watch our kids intently, pay a dollar for a candy bar and,,, television and the internet rule our lives as we go in search of the almighty dollar.

Yet, there are hold outs for the old guard. True believers that the game is bigger than life and deserves the respect from the time you step into the dugout until you exit the playing field a final time that day. This is why I enjoy playing the game I love so much on Thursday nights at Victory Lane Sports Park.

With hopes that civilization comes full circle some day soon, I applaud my OBI teammates. For today, you are the glue that keeps my old baseball soul in one piece... Especially after nasty run ins with self-serving, entitled, (quote) ball players (unquote) of today,,, oh, ya, and rose bushes...

Here is to a healthy, happy, prosperous 2016 for my OBI teammates on the field and off !!! See y'all on Thursday,,, God willing and if the creek don't rise...

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