OBI Original Blog

OBI plays Thursday nights at Victory Lane Sports Park in Glendale, AZ. Earlier 2013 blog postings can be found at

Monday, June 8, 2015

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to This Weeks Softball Game,,,

2-4 Split City opened up a can of whoop ass in the bottom of the 4th inning during Game 2 against Coyote Towing this past week. Netting Double Digit Innings is nothing new to the OBI crew, however, scoring in only one inning per double header certainly is.

4-1 Coyote Towing felt supremely confident moving into Game 2 as their 10-0 victory in Game 1 was won going away after scoring 7 runs in the bottom of the 5th inning. On a day when the winds shifted and came in from dead center field on #4, so did this softball battle shift to a pitchers duel. After OBI's 10 run home 4th outburst, a Travis-to-Michael-to-J.R. double play ended any threat mustered and the twin bill ended in two 10-0 victories,,, one by each squad.

Here are the highlights, interesting as they may be,,, kinda painful to look at:

-- Coyote Towing scored only 3 runs through 4 innings.
-- OBI scored 0 runs in 5 innings :~(
-- OBI raked it for 5 hits in 5 innings :~(
-- OBI's biggest threat was DC hitting a 2-out single fairly deep into CF that was perfectly played to get Nuta at home 9-6-2.
-- Fill in SJ ran down a deep fly to CF in the bottom of the first that easily travelled 320'.
-- J.R. pitched well, including into the 5th inning.
-- Michael and Clint realized they need to confirm that game time changes are understood by all as both Spillane and Larry were both all set to arrive at 7:15 game time.

-- Game two was an unadulterated pitching duel, won by OBI on the strength of fill-in Jim's consistent and constant change ups.
-- OBI had 8 hits in the first 8 innings at the dish.
-- OBI had 11 hits and a Base on Balls in the bottom of the 4th inning of Game 2.
-- Clint scored twice in the inning, becoming the only multi-run scorer of the night.
-- DC was 3-4 in his first game played since,,, ummm, last time he played.
-- Travis hit his second triple of the season and it cleared the bases pushing the lead to 7.
-- The outfield was burned on a couple of occasions early, but great running catches were made in Game 2 by Nuta (running into fence running down third base line) and Paul from RC running to catch a ball that ended up directly behind DC in RF.
-- Jayse was supposed to make the plays that challenged Matt's hold on 1B. Instead, it was J.R. that caught line drive after line drive to make us all take notice.

Best wishes go to Jakob, who we missed this week after his involvement in an automotive type accident. Get better soon, Jakob!

Ok, 'nuff said about this week fo'sho' !!!

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