OBI Original Blog

OBI plays Thursday nights at Victory Lane Sports Park in Glendale, AZ. Earlier 2013 blog postings can be found at

Monday, April 14, 2014

One Bad Inning Takes DoubleHeader vs. McGlovin

6-6 McGlovin has been one of the top tier Thursday night teams over the past year. In a week where Wednesday night injuries caused both Clint and Matt to miss games, 6-5-1 OBI adjusted and played well enough to score two wins against a very good opponent.

This accomplishment was spearheaded by our defense. Not all the plays were made, but the needful ones were made at the right times. A few weeks ago, OBI took it on the chin when we scored a total of 11 runs (and 7 of those were in the final two inning of game 2). This week, it was OBI who upped their game and only allowed 12 runs to the high flying McGlovin offense ...

Game 1 started well as DC clubbed a top of the first inning Big Fly giving OBI an early 2-0 lead. The score remained 2-0 into the bottom of the third inning. A couple of defensive miscues led to 2 runs by opportunistic McGlovin,,, tied at 2 we were after 3 innings.

OBI went ahead for good, 3-2, when Steve's leadoff double led to a DC Sac Fly in the 5th inning. Jayse and Nuta led of the top of the 6th with singles setting up Larry's 2-RBI Triple. Newbie Tino kindly hit a Sac Fly to cap the scoring at 6-2 going to the bottom of the sixth.

McGlovin did not put up a fight until the bottom of the seventh and final inning. A few hits preceeded a 3-run Homer that pulled McGlovin with one at 5-6 ... With 2 out in the inning and the Tying run at third, Winning run on first,,, a line drive to Steve was knocked down, recovered, and decidedly thrown to KC at second base for the final out of the game... Whew !!! Thrilling, yet ,,, well,,, it was a win with not much offense,,, we will take it ...

Game 2 started much as the first game had,,, exception, Larry and Tino got the ball rolling. After Michael smacked a double off the second baseman's glove driving in Larry,,, DC clubbed a 3-run HR to jump OBI out to a 4-0 lead.

McGlovin scored 3 of their own in the top of the second. However, with one out in the bottom half, Nuta and J.R. got the ball rolling and OBI sent 12 batters to the plate, scoring 7 runs... Highlights were another 2-run Triple by Larry, doubles by Tino and Spillane, and back-to-back Home Runs by DC and KC !!!

In the bottom of the third, OBI extended its lead by scoring another 5 runs. More hitting by mostly everyone, whew,,, running out of superlatives here ... Okay,,, skipping forward to the bottom of the 5th, OBI narrowly holding onto a 16-7 lead with one Out and KC at the plate with DC on Second and Michael on Third,,,, KC hit a chopper to the SS and became the second out of the inning. 

With the SS not paying attention to him,,, something Michael continues seeing a therapist about, Michael (also known as Dusty in some circles, but I digress) ,,, took off for home, sliding under the Catcher's tag to score the winning run. Well, Okay,,, the winning run as in the Run Rule was in effect at 17-7 ...

OBI is getting hot at the right time,,, the tournament is coming up April 17th ...

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