In a magical land far, far to the east of Phoenix, there lies a little town called Lakeside, FL... Ya, I know this should have been Orlando but that just did not work for me...
OBI will be representing at the SSUSA Tournament of Champions as Michael Lee will be playing with the 55+ Major division AZ Legends. It really is more impressive sounding than reality. That said, this tourney is of higher prestige than the World Championship tournament in Vegas each September.
But the realllllly importante' thing is,, Life is slowing down enough that I feel like writing again. In fact, later this month, the musical group PreCog will be releasing a song (Love is...) that I wrote lyrics for and gifted to them. Ya, pretty sappy... But it shows that the creative mental juices are flowing again...
Am almost caught up on the stats and will be posting again after we play this week. Anticipating 2016 final stats dropped into the blog before I head to Floriday...
Laters !!!