Larry continued his banner season with two more excellent games on the mound. He and the defense allowed only 14 runs in 11 innings. As there will be, a few defensive mishaps occurred to go along with a mental mistake or, few,,, setting up the final inning. As with last weeks theme, them's the breaks (although nothing actually broke this week ;~) ) ...
Our Week 4 sub was Ken, he played well (give or take) and was much less annoying that Michael was pissed about the umpires decision to not verbalize illegal pitches when every other frickin' blue at Victory does that. LOL (btw, thanks for putting up with my antics, can promise that I will also feel this bad when it happens again in the future.)
Steven continued his fine season by Walking thrice, although, he did actually make an out this week. For this, he has accepted permanent exile into the outfield. We will get him to shape up, yes we will.
Matt, KC, Spillane and DC continue to work the pitchers as well. The middle of the order is producing runs at a good clip and these gentleman are a big part of the upside of OBI's offensive production.
The rest of the order aren't to shabby either, we are just being consistently inconsistent throughout the order in too many games,,, especially late. To improve on our consistency,,, share the following with your teammates...
1) If you are one of the last to hit in an inning, be one of the following or prepare to be:
-- 1st Base Coach
-- 3rd Base Coach
-- Pinch Runner
*** I suggest you either take a long pull off your beer or if empty, having a trusted peer fly and you buy ...
2) Hustle out of the batters box and on the bases...
3) Reduce Mental Errors (which we already have few of any ways, but I needed a third bullet point here and as three is a multiple of 9 and well, 9 is a special number in the universe, then... But I digress) ...
Let's all work together and encourage each other to improve in each of these three areas. Since we are unable to do as KC suggest ,,, which is get seriously younger ,,, then, I thought this might help ...
Caution: Stats Ahead ...